Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So long Florida, Hello Kentucky!

Well, this isn't going to be a long post - just a quicky to say that we leave Florida for our new adventure in Kentucky in less than 48 hours. There have been lots of unknowns and changed plans, lots of "are we crazy moments", and lots of confirmations that we are doing the right thing - even if it seems crazy! I'm am super excited, but also very emotional about leaving our first home. The home that we brought Sophie to, the home where I learned what it was like to be a mother, the home that has heard our dreams, our frustrations, and our fears, the home where Sophie took her first steps, the home that I poured my heart into. Little moments of sadness will cross when I think of something special that happened where I am at that moment. I think that this move is very much needed by every member in our family, but I'm going to miss our home!

1 comment:

Sarah Holland said...

Aww love this made me tear up a little bit :( But I am so glad that you are going to be closer to me and I can't wait to make new memories with you in your new home! :)