Thursday, February 26, 2009

KY Pics

My blog is really messed up because it didn't let me see the pictures that I loaded so I have to explain them here...

Picture #1...Umm, there is no denying who is Sophie's daddy! She looks like his identical twin!!

Picture #2...We got her a bow to match her Valentine's Day outfit. We knew it was going to be a little big, but didn't know it was going to be the size of her head :0)! She looks so mad her, bless her heart, We didn't make her wear it!

Picture #3...she always has her hands crossed like this...such a little lady!

Picture #4...her Valentine's Day outfit

Picture #5...this is a HORRIBLE picture of me, but I love Sophie's outfit in this picture!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Looks like you guys had a fun trip! You're right - she does look identical to Joe! And what are you talking about..bad picture?? You look like a hot mom without even trying!