Wednesday, January 28, 2009 about a changed life...what I heard from experienced parents was right, having a baby changes EVERYTHING :0)! Luckily, Joe and I feel as if we are finally starting to get into some type of routine. It amazes me how a productive day now is getting a shower and brushing my teeth. I'm doing really good to get that done. Haha, actually it's not quite that bad now, but it was! I've been out every day this week and most of those days both Sophie and I had our bathes before 9:30. I have to admit that I was beginning to get a little stir crazy with all that staying in! The past two weeks have been fabulous! We've gone to the mall with friends, out to eat with family, and tomorrow we have a play date! I guess it is more of a play date for the mommies because I don't really foresee two babies under 2 months actually playing :0)!

Sophie has a real bad case of acid reflux. It is absolutely heart breaking to see her in such pain! Last week was definitely the most trying time since she's been born. She cried for 3 days straight. Poor thing! The doctor put her on baby zantac and it seems to be helping. I have had to cut out any possible food item that could attribute to her reflux since she eats what I eat. From what I hear most babies do grow out of it. It has also affected her breathing. The doctor said that the nose and throat being connected is the cause of this. Sophie actually snores, bless her heart! I was very concerned, but the doctor seems to feel ok about it. Ha, I am such a new mom...Sophie has been to the doctor every week since she's been born. Granted 2 of those weeks was for check ups and the other 2 was due to her reflux. I still feel like I am the such the stereo type of a new mom.

Tomorrow Sophie will be a month old. I can not even believe it!! This month has flown by! I think that I'm going to get cup cakes to celebrate...and I guess I'll sacrificially eat one so that Sophie can have a taste :0)!

1 comment:

Jules said...

Sara...I know exactly how you feel. The shower doesn't normally happen for me everyday! :) Judah also has acid reflux and i have had to cut ALL dairy out of my diet. (its so hard) Judah also snores, poor thing. Sounds like you all are doing well. Blessings!