Thursday, April 23, 2009

Most popular names...

Ugh...I have had Sophia picked out for my little girl for FOREVER!! Way before it became popular. One of the reasons I liked it so much was because it was different. I didn't want my daughter to have to experience the five million Sophia's in her class as I did (I obviosly experienced it with Sara though :0).) Well, I messed that one up. Sophia was the second most popular girl's name in 2008. THE SECOND MOST POPULAR NAME...oh geez! And to add to it my ALL TIME FAVORITE boy's name, Jackson, is number 6. I have had that name picked for as long as I can remember. (I got it from my favorite movie, Steel Magnolias - Shelby's husband and son were named Jackson) I love it because it is such a strong southern name. And to be quite honest, I'm still going to name my son Jackson if we have one just because I am so in love with that name! In fact, we were going to name the baby Jackson Paul if she would have been a boy. Paul comes from my great grandfather - my mom's grandfather. I never met him, but from what I hear he was such an example to those around him. Plus, I would like to honor MY grandfather, and we already have two boys in the family named after him so I thought I would go with his dad's name instead. I'm also going to name my next daughter - if we have one - after my grandmother. I'm thinking Audrey Fae - my grandmother's name is Nellie Fae. I can't really go with Nellie because I think of Nellie on "Little House on the Prairie" and I think that we could all agree that little brat has ruined that name for anyone, ha! We are not settled on Audrey because of the quesenberry, but our last name has so many syllables in it that you kind of lose that they both have "y" on the end. We'll see. Obviously, we are in no rush to be naming another child!! Geez, this is why I can't sleep at night. I start off thinking about one thing and it leads to another. I end up thinking about something totally irrelevant to what I was thinking in the first place. This is what happens when I "free" write. I'm sure my teachers loved in when I was in school, ha! I'm off to clean the bath rooms. Let me just add that I'm very happy with how the new cleaning system is going. I am proud to say that the house has stayed very neat since I have started it. (I'm proud because that hasn't been the case since Sophie was is an accomplishment for me! I'm learning to balance things...YAY!)


Anonymous said...

oh Sara, you crack me up. I was seriously lol at "Geez, this is why I can't sleep at night."
I feel you. I can't sleep either, for the same reason.
Love you little friend.

Erica said...

Hey! I saw that Sophia was the number 2 name, and I thought "uh oh. we are going to hear it from Sara." ha I PROMISE! AND....on the list I saw it said that Emma was #1, so I thought that was pretty ironic!

The Quesenberry Family said...

Haha...yeah, I didn't really look at the list thing because I always thought it was for ideas. Guess I should have :0)...although it probably wouldn't have changed my mind. I love Sophia Grace.