Friday, May 14, 2010

Wait, Be Patient, and Have Faith

Wait, be patient, and have faith...not the most desirable things to have to do! I don't know about y'all, but these things are HARD for me! I'm very much a planner so I like to know the when, how, where, what, etc. God is showing me - over, and over, and over - that sometimes I don't need to know these things. I just need to wait, be patient, and have faith that He IS WORKING and He DOES have a plan! Even if I don't see it. Joe and I are in a place where we want to move on. We know that God doesn't mean for us to stay in Plant City forever and WE are READY NOW. However, apparently GOD is not. Which really means that we aren't ready either, right :)!? I know that when God does decide to move us that it will be the best possible situation for us! Every once in a while I get a little antsy though. FYI - if you notice that I start changing my blog background a lot you'll know that I'm getting antsy again, ha! Don't know why the two of these go hand and hand. Anyhoo...I follow this blog called "Pearls and Grace". (I'm not sure how to do the cool linking where the entire link doesn't show up, Sorry!) I LOVE that blog name and when I came across it I was instantly drawn to it :)! Mrs. Pearl, as she calls herself, recently wrote a post on waiting. It was so refreshing to read it! And exactly what I needed to hear. The post is actually about the pain that couples feel when waiting to have a baby, but really it could fit any waiting game you're going through. Go on over and check it out! Hopefully it helps someone like it did me!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I'm the same way when I get antsy for something new. Unfortunately I get bored with things and places WAY to quickly...i guess b/c I'm not exactly in that place where I feel like I'm fulfilling my God given dreams and ambitions. The hardest thing to me is making the most of the place or situation we are in and not forming an unappealing attitude. I'm the same way about changing up everything too! lol ;)